Second Motif Fiasco - So Far
Well I started on the second motif which is also motif number two in MiniTats. This is the motif I planned to use to master the art of using "magic thread" to hide the ends of the piece. I'd like to show a scan of the result, but I pulled out the threads in disgust after realizing I'd put the loops on the wrong end and so couldn't pull the ends through. Wish I'd gotten a scan because it really looked pathetic. Am I the only tatter who finds this method terribly awkward? Or maybe it gets better with practice. First I tried heavy quilting thread as the magic thread. It got all tangled up. Then I tried dental floss and it got in the way of the tatting - plus as I said - I put the loop end in backwards. So it's back to the drawing board. I'm going to try again with dental floss.
I hate using the magic thread trick. At first I thought it was wonderful, BUT anything that can pull under the stitches can also pull out. I prefer to tie a knot and then weave. I use a large eye embroidery needle and zigzag up and down through the caps of the stitches. One end goes one direction and the other end goes the opposite direction, or one in the ring and one in the chain. I don't get tangled in floppy thread ends and my ends NEVER pull out.
I hate the magic thread trick too! Tried and failed a few times. I've got some ideas of how to hide ends when you start at the bottom of this page under tips and techniques if you'd care to take a peek. I then tie a knot and, using a self threading needle, sew in the ends at the finish!!! Jane (
Thanks, Sharon and Jane. You convinced me to stop with the "magic" thread. But what is a self-threading needle? Sounds like a smarter needle than the needles I have. Mine stubbornly refuse to thread themselves and - in fact- usually ravel out the thread,only threading in a few strands through the hole.
Just a hint--if you've put your magic threads in the wrong way, use them to pull a second one through so it's the right way. I use nylon beading thread (the non-twisted kind). If I goof and tat the magic thread into my lace with the loop on the wrong end, I just cut another length of beading thread, double it, and pull the loop end through with the magic threads. Then everything's the way it should be. I've never had any trouble with the ends pulling out after using this method. I love it, but I must admit it took me a while to get it down pat...
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